Five Things You’ll Need on Moving Day. You’ll Thank Us Later.

Yay! You purchased a home. Congratulations (especially in this market)! Now comes the un-fun part…packing and moving. While we can’t come over and help you pack, we can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed and unprepared when the big day rolls around.

Imagine yourself the first night in your new place. You’re probably tired, dirty, and hungry. You look around at the seemingly millions of boxes and have no idea where to look first to get started. Here are some must-do-to-keep-your-sanity tips for surviving moving day.

Make a “First Day” Box. This box should have everything you need to make transition day as easy as possible. Think hand soap, shampoo, towel, bedding, phone charger, and a set of silverware.

Small Tools. While you probably won’t need an entire toolbox the day you move in, keeping some small tools available is always helpful. Think screwdriver, box cutter, and a measuring tape.

Cleaning Supplies. Sure, you’re moving into a new home, but who knows what dirt and dust may be left behind. It’s always wise to have a vacuum, surface cleaner, paper towels, a toilet cleaner, and many trash bags on hand!

Ziploc Bags. Sound random? They are the perfect little baggies to put any screws or hardware in and then tap to the corresponding furniture, so they don’t get lost in the move.

Make Key Duplicates. Seriously. With people coming and going and piles of boxes everywhere, the last thing you should worry about is locating the one singular key you were given at closing. 

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